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April 2021 Featured Maker - Amber House Soaps

Will Cada


Instagram: amberhousesoaps
Facebook Page:

Congratulations to Amber House Soaps for being our April Maker of the Month! Amanda has been sharing her amazing creations with us since we first started making molds! Your work is so inspirational!

Make sure to sign up at Amber House Soap's website for restocks and follow them on Facebook and Instagram!

Here is more about Amber House Soaps from The Foundry Cooperative

"Amanda's soap studio is located in her home which sits on a country road called Amber. When her family first bought their home, they referred to it as The Amber House and the nickname stuck. It felt right to name her business after the home she shares with her husband and three children. After all, she has been blessed to have the opportunity to operate it from her home where she can be with her kids while still pursuing her passion. Amanda started making soap in 2012 hoping it would alleviate the eczema she and her kids struggled with. She is also very conscious of the ingredients in the products their family uses because she has a child with serious food allergies. Amanda discovered handmade soap improved her family's skin and also that she loved making it! She has been making batches of soap ever since. Amanda enjoys sharing her creations with others and the community has been unimaginably supportive. It brings her great joy to think that her products may bring relaxation and enjoyment to others. "


Remember to hashtag your photos of your bath products made with cada molds with the hashtag #cadamolds for a chance to be selected as our next monthly maker!! 

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