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Bath Bomb Molds

Crown Bath Bomb Mold

Cada Molds

Regular price $25.00
Crown Bath Bomb Mold - Cada Molds
Crown Bath Bomb Mold - Cada Molds

Crown Bath Bomb Mold. This is our Plunger Style Mold that make un-molding your mold so much easier.

Crown Bath Bomb Mold contains 3 pieces:
1 Crown Bath Bomb Mold Plunger
1 Crown Bath Bomb Mold Puck
1 Crown Bath Bomb Mold Cylinder

Mold Size (The Bath Bomb Final Size):
3" (76mm) Tall x 4" (102mm) Wide
Can mold up to 1" (26mm) thick bath bomb

Bath Bomb photoed weighs 4oz.

*Bath Bombs Not Included

Please keep note of the processing time when checking out. For more information visit our Processing Time page.

Care Card Instructions can also be found on our Care Instructions page. Please visit our Store Policies for more information about the molds and orders.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Well made and comes out great

Super cute and easy to use.!

Amy R

Crown Bath Bomb Mold

Jodie Ann Edness

Love all of my molds. Thank you so much!!

Kerry Radlinski
Very difficult mold

I love Cada molds ..but this matter how cute it is has given me grief over and over and over..The top of the mold is extremely difficult to unmold properly....I've tried everything....I'm giving it a rest for awhile as I've gone through so much ingredients trying and trying

Tammy Gieseking
Not for the faint of heart

I have dozens of Cada molds and have had success with every single one...except the crown. I even had success with the notorious Baby Shark. But no matter how I tweak my recipe or how much I tap (hammer) with my trusty wooden spoon, the deep circle gems at the top will not release. I’m not giving up yet, but I would not recommend this mold for anyone who is not both extremely experienced and willing to try over and over and over seeking that first time it releases.

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